Victor and I have breakfast together every Sunday. It’s one of those fun traditions. Of course, anything that involves food is a fun tradition, as far as I’m concerned… But that leisurely Sunday Morning Breakfast is definitely something special.
Either of us cooks. It pretty much depends on who gets into the kitchen first, which of us has a plan, an idea, or a yearning for something in particular. And trust me… if someone else is cooking, I’m eating. I’m not fussy -and neither is Victor.
So… it was Victor’s turn today to say he was making breakfast. I’m working on my Relay For Life website (I’m the Online Chair for the Relay!) and I have a few updates to do on a couple of others, so it was nice to sit back and have breakfast cooked for me today!
Victor came up with a clean-out-the-refrigerator-fritatta. It had bacon, sausage, asparagus, sweet potatoes, and mozzarella balls, along with some garlic, S&P… The basics.
Whilst it was baking away in the oven, he decided a hollandaise sauce would go good with it. Out came the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook.
I came into the kitchen and Victor was just about ready to throw away a bowl of strangely coagulated egg yolk and butter-stuff. I quizically looked and he pointed to the recipe. What was strange about this recipe, “Classic Hollandaise” was it called for mixing egg yolks and unmelted butter over simmering water until the butter melted, and adding more unmelted butter, stirring it in… As I said… I’ve made lots of hollandaise. Melted butter is how it’s done! This just wasn’t right – and the end result proved it. I shudder to think of how many disappointed people tried to follow this recipe.
I’ve made many a hollandaise in my time – and broken more than two. They are almost always fixable. So… Tim to the rescue.
A couple tablespoons of BOILING water and a lot of whisking action brought the sauce back to where it should have been in the first place.
And breakfast was served.