Recipes From When Cooking Was Adventurous

Your Next Meal Is Here!

Here it is!  Tim’s Mom’s collection of recipes from the 1960s and 1970s.  Days when cooking was definitely more fun and adventurous!

And she was definitely an adventurous cook!  She loved taking a recipe and making it her own.  There are scores of notes written on the pages showing where she changed this, added that, or just commented on how she liked it or how it was received. It’s rather amazing to look back at so many of these recipes and realize that most of them were designed with many short cuts for the “busy housewife.” Today, these same recipes would be considered cooking from scratch!

The two original loose leaf binders contain recipes culled from magazines and newspapers, as well as handwritten recipes by her, her mother, and other friends and relatives.

Mom continually updated the books into the late 1980s, adding and subtracting as her tastes changed.

The online version, here, is divided into 6 categories and each recipe is tagged to make searching easier.

So take a few minutes to peruse the pages.  Dinner tonight is only a click away!  And regardless of your age, there’s memories a’waitin’.