Yes, the little victories… Today, I actually dressed myself completely – even socks, underwear, and shoes! (I felt like a little kid doing his first big-boy poop and then running into the living room naked to tell everyone!)

Bathing and getting dressed – all of those basic personal hygiene things we need to do on a daily basis – are just things we automatically do. Until we can’t. And when we can’t, it means we must have help doing it. And no matter how much that caregiver denies it, it’s difficult – both physically and emotionally.

I think my other most fun thing, today, was going to the grocery store. We thought the smaller – and much more expensive – Safeway a couple of miles from us would be better for my first outing than our normal WinCo store just a tad farther and much larger.

Shoulda gone to WinCo.

I could have easily handled it, saved money, AND not had to put up with 1 register open in a crowded store.

Another fun part of this adventure is having Victor in the kitchen! It’s been a lot of fun, the food has been stupendous, and I’ve been a slug for not taking photos. I’m going to blame the drugs!

The afore-pictured stuffed peppers were baked on a layer of braised fennel – one of my most favorite veggies. It was genius.

And there was Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes and Peas – Victor’s birthday dinner and all-time favorite, and Jambalaya with Shrimp, to name but a few.

Livin’ the dream. Seriously living the dream!