Filed under: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.

We’re skipping the family Mother’s Day Brunch, today – I’m being neurotic about germs not wanting the slightest sniffle to postpone my new hip on Tuesday – but I did want to make something for all the great Mom’s  to enjoy. Since everyone really enjoyed the Almond Tequila Cheesecake from last week, I thought I’d go with a Lemon Cheesecake this time around. When ya got a good thing going, stick with it, I always say…



I don’t do cheesecakes in a water bath and usually put them on a sheet pan before sliding into the oven – something I didn’t do with this one. Naturally, butter leaked out and formed a lovely sheen on the oven floor.

In typical I’ll deal with it later mode – I didn’t.

This morning I heated the oven to bake off croissants – Trader Joe’s Almond – and wisps of smoke came out of the oven. I decided I would deal with it sooner, rather than later…

Out came the croissants and after devouring them, I set the oven to self-clean. In no time at all, the smoke alarms – plural – were going off and the house was rapidly filling with smoke. Open windows and doors. Turn on fan to high. Coughing and wheezing, eyes watering… small spaces cloud up fast.

Things finally settled down, but every now and again for an hour, the alarms would go off again. They’re all hardwired – no batteries to take out to momentarily silence them. It’s a really annoying noise.

And, it’s not like that little bit of butter was the sole culprit… I do have a habit of not always using an underliner when putting things in the oven that can bubble over – and it has been a while since its last cleaning…

My Bad.

Fortunately, it’s a lovely day and the cool breeze wafting through the house is a pleasure.

And we now have a clean oven.