Victor came into the office, this morning and said I needed a break form cooking – he was going to do dinner, tonight. I am never one to argue, so I readily agreed. I don’t mind cooking – in fact, I rather enjoy it – but it is nice to have someone come in and take over, now and again.
We both have fun in the kitchen – singularly, or together. We both enjoy cooking and we both enjoy eating – it’s a match made in culinary heaven.
Tonight’s heavenly dish was broiled cod with a tomato salad served over rice.
The cod was simply prepared with a drizzle of butter and olive oil, parmesan cheese, and a bit of salt and pepper – under the broiler for a few minutes.
The tomato salad was grape tomatoes, kalamata olives, garlic, olive oil, oregano, parsley, and a pinch of S&P.
He took the basics and ratcheted them up a few notches. The olives with the tomatoes… the parmesan with the cod… It all just worked – perfectly.
I think we’re all looking for comfort in our foods, right now – much more so than normal. – and our food supply and way of eating has changed literally over night. It’s easy to get discouraged.
But cooking doesn’t have to be discouraging.
Play with your food. Have some fun in the kitchen. Bring the kids in and make a mess – it’s not like you don’t have time to clean it up!
Or… do a Zoom or Facetime with someone and cook the same meal, together – laugh and joke and pretend you’re at the same table.
We will be, again…