Lamb Kebabs

My impulse buy of the week – this week – was a small boneless leg of lamb. Right now, my tummy is rather glad I bought it!

The plan was to marinate it and throw it on the grill, but when I pulled it out of the ‘fridge, this morning, kebabs made their entry into my culinary brain – and who am I to argue with myself?!?

The marinade was simple – pomegranate molasses, olive oil, garlic powder, and lots of fresh mint – with a bit of fresh rosemary and parsley.

I skewered them with dried figs and dates and onto the grill they went.

It was another OMG moment! Really tender, really flavorful, and I didn’t even mind that I had to change propane tanks halfway through cooking. Yes, I always have a spare. The figs and dates were perfect from the grill.

We picked a few more purple-beans-that-turn-green and Victor made a quick bean and potato salad – olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

Dinner was served.

Lamb Kebabs

Methinks I will have to pick up another one of those little roasts sometime soon.