It is dark and bleak outside. The rain is coming down in buckets. I guess it’s kinda fitting for a Memorial Day weekend – the weekend where we’re supposed to honor those who have died defending our country.
This isn’t Veteran’s Day weekend – it’s not about people who have served in the military and lived to tell their tall tales. It’s about those who have died.
And today, it’s about those who are rolling in their graves wondering how their ultimate sacrifice has become this mockery of everything they died for.
While I’m a very political person in life, I really try not to transfer that here – this is about food and fun. But sometimes things are just so fucked up that I have to start shouting for people to open their eyes and see what is happening in our name.
We have Nazis marching openly in the United States. Nazis. More than 400,000 Americans died in World War II fighting Nazis and the Axis powers. They did not die so that 70 years after their deaths, these scum could come back and openly parade their hate.
We have a president who has fanned the flames of hate and intolerance, blatantly lying, blaming the ills of the country on immigrants and people of color, pandering to the fears of the uninformed.
The Trump administration is forcibly taking migrant children from their parents and placing them in separate detention centers. Let that sink in. The Trump administration is forcibly taking migrant children from their parents and placing them in separate detention centers. They did this in Nazi Germany. We have Nazis marching openly in the United States. What the fuck is wrong with this picture?
We have the National Football League capitulating to these racists and bigots by creating a rule that will fine players for kneeling during the National Anthem.
They have already blackballed Colin Kaepernick from every playing, again, yet, conveniently forget about Tim Tebow kneeling during the same song to protest abortion. Tebow, of course, is white.
Trump, in his pandering to his racist base, made taking a knee a show of disrespect for flag, country, and veterans, while completely ignoring the reasons players started taking a knee in the first place – the thousands of deaths of black Americans for the sole crime of being black in the wrong place.
Memorial Day. A day to remember our dead.
And a day to reflect on a dying country.