The problem with making desserts around here is there’s only two of us eating them. There comes a point, once in a while, where something goes stale before we can finish it. I’ve pretty much stopped trying to freeze things, because… we keep running out of freezer space. If we had more freezer space, I would just fill it – I wouldn’t stop making things. So… when something really good is starting to go stale, I think of ways to re-purpose it.

Like turning pound cake into a bread pudding.

A few ripe bananas and a couple of eggs made for a brand new dessert!

Banana Pound Cake Pudding

  • bananas
  • pound cake
  • eggs
  • sugar
  • milk
  • vanilla
  • chocolate chips
  • pinch salt

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Cube pound cake. Slice bananas. In bowl, mix eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla, and pinch of salt.

Add pound cake cubes, banana slices, and chocolate chips. mix carefully and pour into a buttered casserole.

Bake about 40 minutes or until set.

Really simple. Really tasty.