It’s about a million degrees outside with humidity to match. Time to make risotto.
I was going to make this yesterday while Victor was out of town, but Nonna was more interested in the stuffed shells I had made on Monday. She had leftover stuffed shells, I had a chili dog. We were both happy.
Today, I had the beef that I had already cubed, so it was pretty much a no-brainer to make it tonight with everyone home. Waste not want not and all that…
Risotto is like the ultimate comfort food. It’s rich, creamy, and just bursting with flavor. I could eat it every day were it not for all the other foods that I could eat every day.
But I do seriously like it.
I had never made a beef risotto before. I’ve done any number of risotto variations over the years – but not beef. I figured it was about time.
Beef and Mushhroom Risotto
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 cup green pepper, chopped
- 8 oz mushrooms, chopped
- 1 lb beef, cut into small cubes
- 1 cup arborio rice
- 4 cups hot beef broth
- 1 cup shredded pecorini romano cheese
- salt and pepper, to taste
Saute beef in a bit of butter and olive oil. Add onion, garlic, mushrooms and pepper. Saute until vegetables are limp. Add rice and cook about 1 minute.
Begin to add broth by the ladle, stirring continually. Continue adding ladles of broth as the last one is absorbed, until rice is just tender.
At this point, stir in cheese.
Taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper, as desired.
I have to tell ya, it was pretty good stuff. It had all the great characteristics of risotto – that rich creamy goodness – with a great beefy-mushroom flavor. Even Nonna had a second spoonful!
I can’t wait for the weather to turn to Fall.