It’s an art-form to bring a pan juuuuuust this close to destruction. And to properly caramelize onions, that’s just about where you have to go with it. And ya know that if there’s an opportunity to truly dirty a pan, I’m there.
The purpose of this particular skillet-crusting was a couple of ribeye steaks. When we decided to do the steaks tonight, Victor specifically requested the onions. It really is his favorite way to eat a steak.
I was happy to oblidge.
The pan shows the remains of four onions sauteed in 2 tbsp butter. When they were about 80% done, I splashed in some red wine and cooked it down.
The rice was cooked with some red pepper tapenade and then when finished, I stirred in some cheese.
Arugula sauteed in a pat of butter with salt and pepper finished off the plate. And me.
I like cooked arugula much better than cooked spinach – and I love cooked spinach! It’s just a great way to enjoy it, and it’s as versatile as can be. Lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, garlic… It will take anything.
The steaks were about half the size of the monsters we had in Omaha – which was just fine with me. As much as I like to eat, even I couldn’t do one of those very often.
I think a little ice cream for dessert is in order, later…