You know you come from a big family when one of your cousins can seamlessly host a party for 100 relatives – without having it catered – and there is plenty of fabulous food and drink, fantastic company and uproariously good times.
That was dinner at Ed and Jane’s last night.
Uproariously good times doesn’t even begin to describe it, either. Non-stop talking, laughing, eating, drinking, reminiscing about everything under the sun…
I was so busy with all of the above that I neglected to get any pictures. There were just too many people to talk to.
I specifically brought the laptop and Family Tree program to get updates from everyone. There’s been a few additions to the family since I last saw everyone. Quite a few.
The biggest shock was seeing how big those little kids from the last reunion have gotten. And now married with kids of their own. It’s really evident we haven’t done this nearly often enough.
Original plan for today was to have a family picnic at a local park. Alas, it was flooded out and the venue has been changed to another cousins home – and then later, a big ol’ Omaha Steak at a local steakhouse.
Maybe I’ll remember to get a picture or two.