it was 81° today.  That’s BBQ’n weather.

I’ve gotten a couple of good deals on whole eyes of round, so knife in hand, I’ve cut up some steaks, cubes, roasts… The freezer is looking good, right now…

These were simple salt-and-pepper steaks over charcoal.  Irish steak sauce on the side.

The potatoes were cubed sweets with a drizzle of honey, butter, dill, walnuts, and raisins.  Baked, covered, at 350° for about 45 minutes.  And baby broccoli.


The weather is getting hotter this weekend – up to 90° Saturday and Sunday.  Not my idea of pleasant weather.  I’ll probably be grilling all weekend…

And for those of you keeping track…  at today’s weigh-in, I lost three pounds!  I am now exactly where I started 8 weeks ago.

My mantra really does have to start being *moderation*moderation*moderation*.

Next week.