This is pretty much the epitomy of what we call “stuff” at our house. A concoction of whatever is in the ‘fridge or whatever I feel like throwing together for dinner…
Tonight’s stuff was a Sweet Chipotle Beef served over oven-roasted red potatoes. It sounds strange, but it rocked! And it was only about 550 calories! (Well… that’s what my cheapo recipe analyzer says, anyway… )
I started out by thinly-slicing some eye of the round and browning it in a bit of oil and a minced chipotle pepper in adobo. I pulled it out and added a sliced leek, 2 cloves of garlic, a bell pepper, and then corn cut from 2 ears… One chopped tomato. I added about a half-cup of water. Back in went the beef along with a tablespoon of tomato paste, a half-cup of Harry & David’s Papaya-Lime sauce, a sprinkle of cumin, chipotle powder, salt and pepper.
I let it all cook down and then added about a teaspoon of Tabasco to kick it up a notch.
I quartered the potatoes (they were small to begin with) and after laying out on a sheetpan, spritzed them with olive oil and sprinkled them with chile powder, garlic, salt and pepper. Roasted at 425° for about 30 minutes.
The potatoes went on the plate, the chipotle beef on top.
It was really good.