
‘Tis the Season to bake cookies!  What started out two years ago as the Boys Cookie-Baking Weekend has morphed into Elizabeth coming over for a while on Saturday to learn some cookie-making, as well.

While I was working, Uncle Victor and Elizabeth made Nonna’s biscotti, macaroons, and candy cane cookies.


She did a pretty good job, for a rookie.

Tasty, too!

The girls all left, and we got down to business – the dough for Aunt Emma’s cookies.  It needs to refrigerate overnight, so Gino got right on it.  Well – right after we had Pizza, that is.  We do have our priorities.


The secret to the dough is working it with a light hand.  You need to learn the feel of the dough.  This is Gino’s third time making them, now…  he’s starting to get it.


We also made Aunt Dolores’ Rum Ball filling.  Alas, when we were halfway done, I found out we didn’t have any rum, so while Victor ran to the liquor store, Gino and I finished up the caramel turtles.  We’ll chocolate-cover them tomorrow.

It is such a blast having them down here.