I love the internet! The other day I received an email from a woman in Sicily asking about the Tortuga Rum Cake recipe. From Sicily! Clear across the world!
Her name is Daniela and lives in a village at the foot of Mount Etna. How cool is that? She had a question about baking powder (lievito in Italian!) While she has a fantastic command of English, the phrase had her stumped. It took me a few minutes searching Google to come up with the correct term (my Italian is pretty much limited to “ciao”) and we’ve had a few emails back and forth since. A girlfriend of hers has raved about the cake forever, so she decided to make it for her. A true friend, indeed!
I’ve always said that food is the great equalizer – that food truly does bring people together. And here is but more proof. Meeting real people from real places. Bringing the world together, one recipe at a time!
Sicily has always been on our list of places to see – and it’s just been bumped up a few notches!
I just love the internet!