We received a special package in the mail, yesterday – Zantonio Brands Bruschetta Sauce and Zantonio Brands Parmesan Garlic Butter Sauce. I immediately knew Saturday Night Dinner was going to be special.
The goodies came from our friend, Tony Gatta – who just happens to own Zantonio Brands.
Tony and Victor have known each other since the Dark Ages. I, on the other hand, have only known him for the past 28 years. A great 28 years, I might add!
The gastronomic wheels started turning…
There was shrimp in the freezer and we immediately thought of a Scampi. And then, possibly a Pasta with Bruschetta. There was also asparagus in the ‘fridge, and we decided Shrimp and Asparagus with Parmesan Garlic Butter Sauce and some crunchy Bruschetta. Victor decided this warranted homemade pasta and tagliatelle was the one to make!
A Meal Was Born – and what a meal it was!
We started off with Bruschetta because it always goes well with a pre-dinner beverage. Ours was a local whiskey from Branch Point Distillers. Neat, of course
We toasted a basic baguette, spread just a tiny bit of the Parmesan Garlic Butter on the bread, added a healthy mound of the Bruschetta Sauce, and then added a thin ribbon of Pecorino Romano on top.
I have no idea where Tony is getting his tomatoes, but OMFG! Rich deep tomato flavor that just curls around garlic and basil. This stuff can be unapologetically eaten by the spoonful standing by an open refrigerator door! I’d suggest a toasted baguette, though – or even a bowl of pasta! I could make a meal of this – it’s that good.
But we had more to come…
Victor quickly sauteed the asparagus and shrimp in a skillet with the Parmesan Garlic Butter Sauce and just a drizzle of olive oil. When the pasta was cooked, he added it to the pan along with a few heaping tablespoons of more of the butter. He had a bit of pasta water on the side, but decided it wasn’t necessary this time around.
Nothing else added – nothing else needed.
It was another flawless dish. Having made more than my share of butter sauces in my time, this one was perfection. Perfectly balanced garlic and cheese with just the perfect hint of herbal notes in the background.
My mind was working overtime thinking of all the ways this could be consumed – from pasta and Scampi to vegetables or baked potatoes – to melted and drizzled on a creamy soup or placed upon a sizzling steak, melting and pooling on the plate just begging to be included with the next bite.
Needless to say, we liked it.
Fortunately for us, we have enough to be able to enjoy both products some more – and enjoy, we shall.
Unfortunately, neither are available nation-wide. They are available in Acme and Shop-Rite stores as well as Fiorentino’s Farm Market in Hammonton, NJ where Zantonio Brands is located.
Thanks, Tony!