I bought this KitchenAid mixer 32 or 33 years ago. It’s always run well – but it has always run fast. The Stir/1 speed has always been like 3 on other KitchenAid’s I have used.
It’s never been a huge issue – obviously I’ve dealt with it for more than 30 years – but recently, I bought a new paddle – one that scrapes the side of the bowl as it mixes – and every time I turned on the mixer, flour went flying.
I was making a cake this morning and… it did it again. For the last time.
I finally decided I needed to deal with it, and went to look for a KitchenAid repair service nearby. On a lark, I typed in Adjust KitchenAid mixer speed into Google. The first thing that came up was a YouTube video from a woman showing how to adjust the speed. The second video was from KitchenAid explaining how to install a new speed control and adjust the speed!
Both videos stated that the mixer should rotate at 60 revolutions per minute. Mine was spinning at 160. A simple adjustment with a philips head screwdriver has it back to the optimum 60 RPM.
30+ years and all it took was literally a minute and a screwdriver.
Needless to say, I am psyched! The timing is perfect, too. I was beginning to get a bit of KitchenAid Envy because friends of ours just updated theirs. I was vacillating between I don’t really need a new one and new, shiny, and bigger – I can make double batches of things. Not needing a new one has won out!
YouTube. Gotta love it.