I picked up a family-sized package of Hot Italian Sausage at the grocery store the other day. The store-brand sausage is not my personal favorite, but… with slim pickin’s in the store, one cannot be too particular about some things…
On the other hand, making do with what you have is always a fun project – and Victor chose to take this one on – with fresh, homemade pasta!
Victor is the king of pasta-making. I don’t even bother.
He used his standard pasta recipe from Alon Shaya…
For the sauce, he cut up the sausage and browned it in a skillet. From there, he added a jar of his pasta sauce I canned a few months back, let it simmer, added some Parmigiano-Reggiano, and dinner was served – along with some of the bread I baked…
Making do with what we have – and as long as we have each other… we have a lot.