The weight-loss results weren’t what I was hoping for, but considering I had a pretty food-centric week, only gaining a pound is pretty good. It’s just reinforcing the simple fact that portion control is really important and even though nuts may be healthy, eating half a bag of cashews is not.
Victor caught a head cold that really knocked his socks off so he missed the gym for five days. I caught a tapeworm on Tuesday and ate more than a couple of these disgusting madeileines I buy for his mom and then ate cashews like they were the last food on the planet, watching bad TV while Victor slept.
On a positive note, though, our trainer was really pleased with our weight progress, today.
We move on…
Victor made a huge batch of sauce yesterday, and while we didn’t eat it last night, we did have spaghetti, so tonight, it was about having some of the sauce and sausages – without the pasta. I’m trying to regain the balance.
We had a nice, big, butternut squash, so I cut it up and roasted off a bit of it. The rest went into the ‘fridge. I’ll figure out something to do with it this weekend.
Into the skillet went a bit of onion, bell pepper, carrot, and fennel. I sautéed it until the veggies were cooked fairly well, and then added 2 cloves of minced garlic and a bit of salt & pepper. When the garlic started cooking, I added some wine and let it cook down a bit. Then went in the sausages and sauce, and the butternut squash.
It got all nice and hot and onto the plate it went. A bit of freshly-grated pecorino on top, and we had a great dinner.
And now on to Week Thirty-Two!