Last night, as I was making my shopping list, Victor said, if you get a couple of chickens I’ll make chicken stock and you can can it. With an offer like that, how could I refuse?!?
We both prefer homemade stock, but lack the freezer space to make and freeze it. I honestly never thought of canning it, but it was a brilliant idea – and easy as 1-2-3!
I spent $12 for 2 chickens – 99¢/lb at 6 pounds each. Chicken stock is $1.99/qt. I got 9 quarts and all that cooked chicken. Even with using a bottle of wine and the vegetables, I’m ahead of the game, for sure!
We broke out the big pot and into it went two whole chickens, 2 onions, quartered – skins and all. 6 carrots, halved – skins and all. 6 celery stalks – leaves and all. 3 bay leaves, 6 garlic cloves, a handful of peppercorns, a bottle of pinot grigio, and some salt. And then filled it with water.
Put it on high to boil and then let it boil away for about 3 hours.
I strain it and then skimmed the fat. Into hot sterilized jars, and then into the canner.
This was seriously too easy.
I didn’t filter it so it’s not crystal clear, but I don’t really care about that. The flavor is fantastic – and that’s the important part.
I think this is our new normal!
And… because I had broth and chicken, I made soup!