With a pie crust in the ‘fridge along with two huge leftover steaks, I kinda knew tonight was going to be a pot pie dinner – even if the weather was above 50°F.
I’m a rebel like that.
In theory, one can eat pot pies any time of the year but I just did a quick search of the site and it seems I tend to make Beef Pot Pies in October or December. I did made one in February, once, but I guess that really doesn’t count. It was made with a pre-packaged pie crust.
That pre-packaged pie crust was back in 2009 – and it was actually pretty good for being frozen. Alas, the recipe or manufacturer changed and they now suck. Since I can make a pretty good pie crust in mere minutes, I’ll just stick to making them. It really isn’t difficult.
With the pie crust made, all I had to do was throw together a quick beef stew: onion, celery, carrots, garlic, potatoes, frozen mixed vegetables, red wine, and beef broth. A bit of thyme, basil, and S&P, and then thickened with flour and cornstarch.
Into the oven for 30 minutes at 425°F.
I didn’t have enough crust to do a full top and bottom crust – and I really wanted the bottom crust – so I made it rustic… I rolled out the dough all the way and then folded it back over the filling before baking.
It worked well.