I went into work this morning just as the snow was beginning to fall. 30 minutes after punching in, I was punching out – no need to hang around on a snow-day.
8:30 in the morning found me in the kitchen with a recipe for cupcakes that a coworker had mentioned – made with Guinness, Irish Whiskey, and Bailey’s Irish Cream.
8:30 ayem – definitely time to break out the booze and start baking, right?!? Especially this booze – Readbreast is some seriously good Irish Whiskey. Seriously good. I’ve always liked my Jameson, but this really takes it up a couple of notches.
I got out all the necessary ingredients and realized I didn’t have a bottle of Guinness! I did have a bottle of Sierra Nevada stout, however, so that had to suffice. I wasn’t going to head out into the Blizzard of ’17 for a bottle of beer when I had something at home that would work.
The recipe comes from the Browneyed Baker. It’s her most-requested recipe, so I’m not going to reprint it, here. Head over there and grab the recipe. Suffice to say, it is worth making.
First thing is making the batter. Guinness, cocoa powder, and butter are all melted and mixed together. It’s a thinner batter than many cake recipes you may be used to. I dripped it everywhere and made a mess filling the cupcake holders. Messes R Us.
After the cupcakes cool, you make a ganache with more chocolate and Irish Whiskey. I used the Readbreast, today, just because I wanted to show it off. I have Jameson’s in the cabinet, as well – and next time I make them I’ll use it.
Then it’s cut a little hole in the cupcake and fill with the ganache.
And then top with the Bailey’s Irish Cream frosting.
The recipe makes 2 dozen cupcakes – more or less. I got 21, today, but may have been a bit too generous with the first few… I did use a scoop, but I think the first ones were a bit fuller. No harm.
And what do those yummy cupcakes look like inside?!?
The cupcake is chocolatey, moist, and just a tad boozey. You taste the stout but it’s not overpowering. It’s nice. Different. The whiskey ganache is pure decadence. As in pure decadence. It is really rich and a little goes a long way. And the icing really is the icing on the cake. The Bailey’s really comes through in it – all the frosting is is butter, powdered sugar, and the liqueur, so there’s nothing to mask it.
I really do suggest you stop what you’re doing and head right over to Browneyed Baker and make a batch, today!