It’s supposed to start snowing in a few hours. Oh joy. Oh rapture.
This really has been the winter that keeps on giving. It feels like January outside. I can smell the approaching snow. I’m totally over it.
But it doesn’t do a damned bit of good complaining about the weather – so into the kitchen I went.
Just as this is the winter that keeps on giving, we’re using up the last of the pasta sauce that keeps on giving. I used it for ravioli, Victor used it for his double-sauced pasta, and we’ve had a couple of lunches along the way. A minimal amount of time in the kitchen – once – has resulted in a lot of time-saving meals. And no sugar-laden jarred sauces to deal with.
I really don’t care how good the sauce is, whether it’s organic or all-natural, or what. I don’t buy jarred sauce. I often say that an organic pop tart is still a nutritionally-unsound pop tart. I feel the same way about sauce out of a jar.
So… off the soap-box and back in the kitchen…
Tonight was stuffed peppers. I made a filling of a bit of ground beef, Italian sausages that had been cooked in the aforementioned sauce, cooked whole-grain brown rice, salt, pepper, garlic, Greek oregano, and an egg to bind. They went into the oven – covered – for about 35 minutes at 350° and then I topped them with breadcrumbs mixed with granna padano, garlic, and a pinch of S&P, and then back in for another 10 minutes.
Victor made a tomato salad with green beans and a simple vinaigrette.
I noticed that Nonna was attacking the filling but leaving the pepper. It seems she likes green peppers over red peppers. That’s an easy fix for next time.
Cheesecake in the ‘fridge for dessert.
Bring on the snow.