This dinner is going to come with a warning: Danger!  Do Not Try This At Home! 

The ’60s could be cruel – and this proved it.

Okay…  To be fair, the chicken was a bit different, but it wasn’t atrocious.  The corn was atrocious.  Really atrocious.  I wonder if my mother had been hitting the cooking sherry when she wrote “Great!” and “Very Tasty!” on the page.  She didn’t fail very often in her cooking, but this one…  sorry, Mom.  It sucked.

The lemon juice simply ruined it.  I mean…  It’s not like the ingredients couldn’t work together a bit, but the lemon juice really threw it out of balance.

It will not be repeated.  Ever.

The chicken was also decidedly different – but in a different way.  It combined flavors that I really wouldn’t have combined with a cooking technique I didn’t really agree with and ended up with a final product that – if reworked quite a bit, could probably be fun.  This worked – but barely.

First thing you will probably realize is that if you pour a sauce over bacon, the bacon will not crisp.  It was thoroughly cooked – anything cooked for three hours will be cooked, trust me – but it would have been better if there had been a bit of sear to it.  And the chicken was more poached than baked from sitting in the sauce.  The surprise was the chipped beef.  It actually added a bit of a fun saltiness to the dish.  With those ingredients, absolutely no salt was added to the dish.

As I said…  It wasn’t bad – it just wasn’t great.  And I’m not sure it would be worth trying to rework into something better.  It may just work better as a memory.

My mom used to make creamed chipped beef on toast and I may have been the only kid who liked it back then.  I haven’t made it in 30 years – at least – but I do have some chipped beef left over.

Maybe Sunday breakfast…