Sole is one of the lightest, most delicate of the flat fish.  And Dover Sole is the best of the best.

Sole pretty much demands a classic preparation.  Lightly floured, lightly fried, heartily eaten!

I did the classic preparation but in place of the browned pan butter I sauteed garlic in butter, added the juice of a lemon, and let it simmer.  I then strained out the garlic and added fresh parsley.

Really simple.

Of course, I say really simple as in the preparation and cooking.  The mess I made was anything but simple!

It really is a knack being able to destroy a kitchen with such a simple meal.  4 pans, a sheet pan, the pie plate holding the flour…  I think I would have sent Victor straight over the edge if I had dipped it in egg!

But chocolate brownies with fresh cherries baked into them saved me for another day – and another mess!