Turkey Soup

It was sunny and mid-70's today.

I made soup.

Even though it wasn't totally weather-relevant, it tasted great.

The broth was the boiled-down carcass with everything in the kitchen I wanted to get rid of.  There was part of an onion, onion skins, garlic, part of a head of lettuce, celery bulb, carrot ends and peels... Odds-and-ends from containers of this-and-that.  Seriously clean-out-the-refrigerator.

It made a damned good base!  This is the kind of stuff you really can't screw up.  It's what every decent restaurant in the world does - boils down that stuff that would otherwise go down the garbage disposal.  Other than a little salt and pepper, I don't add any herbs or spices at this point...

The soup itself was chopped carrot, chopped celery, chopped swiss chard, Italian green beans, peas, a can of hominy, and two pastas - pastina and 0's.  herb-wise I added a bit more garlic and some dill.  And salt and pepper.

And we had a half-loaf of bread from last night.

Good stuff.