Tonight’s dinner was supposed to be a nice salad with grilled chicken and fresh fruit. I had the chicken ready to go, the fruit on the island cutting board, and the greens in the salad spinner, when I decided some crumbled bacon would be really good on top. I had a package of bacon in the freezer (of course!) and as I pulled it out, Victor came walking into the kitchen.
He took one look at it and said “I would love a BLT but we don’t have any sliced bread.” (I have been remiss in my shopping!)
But… he then noted that we had frozen hamburger buns. Ya want a BLT? Ya got a BLT. It sounded perfect to me – I’m the one who pulled the bacon out in the first place!
So the salad became BLT’s (with avocado) on toasted buns and the sliced fruit became a big ol’ fruit salad.
I love the summer fruits. Apricots, plums, peaches, nectarines – the stone fruits, especially – and have been known to eat a grape or two – especially big black grapes! Yum! I’m sure it all goes back to my grandparent’s house in Bakersfield where they had a grape arbor, strawberries, figs… their neighbor, Mrs McNamee had peach trees, Mr Brown, their other next door neighbor had watermelons, corn, string beans… (and there’s a reason they’re called string beans! I sat out on that back porch many a day stringing beans with Grandma!) They also raised chickens in a big coop in the back. I also plucked a lot of feathers when I was a tyke!
So much of what we ate down there was home-grown, picked right off the tree or vine. It really is a shame that most kids today (hell – most adults, either!) just have no idea what real food is supposed to taste like – or where it even comes from…
But, I digress…
That sandwich was just what I wanted. I just didn’t know it was just what I wanted until Victor came in and suggested it!
So… tomorrow night will be chicken-something. Maybe I’ll try the salad, again, but it will have to be without bacon.
We ate it all!