I left work early today with a severe case of Spring Fever. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and I was suffering greatly being inside. Fortunately, it wasn’t really busy, so off to home I went. In no time at all, we were at Waterloo Gardens buying a few new plants for the front of the house (we just had a landscaper come out and clear out all the old junk, reshape and regrade the beds, and make it all look nice. A blank canvas.) It was great finally being outdoors in shorts and thongs and not freezing my ass off. And, we were able to get in and out before the weekend crowds…
But I digress…..
I knew dinner was a pork loin tonight, but I didn’t know exactly how… I was leaning towards a pork scallopine with mushrooms, but Victor had other ideas. Salad, said he. And salad, it was. He headed off to the kitchen and started slicing and dicing, cooking eggs and blanching broccoli… I lit the gas grill.
He went through the refrigerator and came up with a score of ingredients and started plating. I cooked the pork loin outside. He made a great dressing. I sliced the pork.
Oh – and I made brie toasts.
Total team, effort!
So… Another great dinner, and new plants out front.
We got five of these little guys to go around the air conditioner. (They’re Orange-Leaf Spiraea – spiraea japonica “Walbuma” for the folks who need to know such things…)
We still have a score or more plants to buy before all is done.
Lookin’ good.
Eating good.
Life is definitely good.