I had pulled a london broil out of the freezer before heading to work this morning without any plans for it. I just knew that tonight’s dinner was going to be beef.
Somewhere along the line, the idea of a sandwich started formulating… I like sandwiches. Lots of good stuff between slices of good bread. And sandwiches can be fun. You literally can put anything between slices of bread. Trust me. I know this.
Tonight’s sandwich started off with a cheese and tomato focaccia. The focaccia is light and airy and has good flavor, but it’s more subtle and compliments rather than competes with a filling.
I sliced it in half and slathered on the Duke’s mayonnaise, then just a bit of horseradish. Next went a layer of leeks I had sauteed in butter. The sweet/savory of the leeks was a perfect compliment to the thinly-sliced steak that went next, along with some salt and freshly-ground pepper.
Thin slices of asiago cheese went atop the beef, and then a layer of roasted yellow peppers and thinly-sliced tomatoes.
And then LOTS of arugula. Arugula is just so good. Its crunchy pepper flavor is perfect on sandwiches. I like it as a salad, cooked as a side dish… but as a green on a sandwich, it really shines.
On went the top, and another sandwich was born.
It was good.
And so was the Pumpkin Pie!