Many moons ago, when we first started going to NYC, we used to always stop off at a bakery cafe in Times Square to plan our day. One day, after walking up from Penn Station, we walked around the corner and there was a gaping hole where “our” cafe used to be.
It threw us for a loop, to say the least. We survived, just as we have survived the remaking of Times Square into a Disney-Ride. But I do miss a lot of what the old neighborhood had to offer – including some cheap (for NYC) places to eat.
So… here we are back up in NYC to see South Pacific at the Lincoln Center Theatre (an absolutely FABULOUS show!!!) and as we’re walking up Columbus at 58th, there, on the corner – is The EuroPan! I find out that there are several of them in the city – including one in Times Square not far from out original haunt.
We stopped in last night after the show for Panini’s and dessert, and were back over this morning for coffee and strawberry cheese croissants.
What the heck – we’re in New York…..
It was good to see an old friend, again, and even better to get some really good – and reasonably priced for New York – food.