Oy vey, it’s been busy! It seems I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time running around, but have I really accomplished anything?!? When I stop and think, I guess I’ve done a lot – but there just seems like so much more to do….
I got presents and packages in the mail (THREE trips to the post office!!!), presents wrapped and under the tree… more cookie dough made… shovelled snow… and dinner every night…
Victor was back in San Francisco for 3 days, so the culinary offerings at home were a bit stark. I just don’t feel like making wonderful meals just for myself. Chili burgers with lots of cheese suffice! (I was on a hot dog kick for quite a while, but I can’t always find good, old-fashioned, skin-on hot dogs around here!)
I did make a pretty good pot roast Wednesday that was dinner two nights in a row. There’s still a bit more in the ‘fridge.
The major cookie-baking day will be tomorrow… We are soooooo behind. Oh well. On the other hand, what’s Christmas without a few panic attacks?!? 😉
Off to work…
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I can totally relate to how Santa feels!