Well, not exactly, because I rather doubt that pork was on the menu at The Last Supper, but this is our last meal at home for a few days.  We’re heading west for my niece Jessica’s wedding.

Early.  Really, really, ungodly early.

To add insult to injury, we’re flying into Sacramento, so we can’t even get a non-stop flight.  Leaving in the dark and having to change planes.  Thank gawd for my iPod and Kindle.  Besides, Jessie’s worth it.

So… last meal at home was grilled pork tenderloins.  My dear friend Debbie over at Words to Eat By is writing an article on pork tenderloins and she got me thinking about how much I really do like them.  I almost always have a couple in the freezer.  They are quick to thaw and totally versatile – pork cutlets, pork scallopine, grilled, broiled, baked, and fried.  You name it, you can do it with a tenderloin.

It was also a good choice because we didn’t want any leftovers.  Our dog-sitter, Donna (Pals For Pets) is a vegetarian, so leftover pork would be waiting for us when we got home.  Ugh.

I’m not bringing the lap top, so there won’t be any blog posts until next week, but I’ll try and sneak a few pictures of fun food onto facebook with the phone.

Have fun!

We’re going to!