
On Monday when I was making the sausage, I also made a pheasant dish based on a recipe from Lidia Bastianich.   The concept was hers.  The ingredients were what we had in the house.  I got the pheasants from a customer at work.  4 birds – just the breast/back – all cleaned and ready to go.

I love pheasant but it is not the most tender bird out there.  It likes a nice braising… So that’s what I did.

There was a goodly amount left over, and, while I originally planned to vacuum-seal it and freeze it, I didn’t.

Time to reuse it.  Mexican-style.

The original dish was simmered in tomatoes – and that was a perfect start for tonight’s fajitas!  It didn’t take much at all to rework into a spicy ancho chili filling.  Peppers and onions on the side, southwestern-spiced black rice, beans, cheese, and handmade (not by me!) tortillas.  (While I have a friend who accuses me of growing the corn to grind for my own tortillas, that’s not entirely true.  I have never ground corn – that I can recall!)


No actual recipes because everything was thrown together from what was here – and not likely to be anywhere else!

Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but Saturday is going to be Boston Clam Chowder.

Stay tuned…